Discovery the secret to a birth YOU LOVE

(Hint: It’s NOT a perfect birth plan, doing everything ‘like a good patient,’ or just hoping for the best.)

ALL NEW 2025 - Learn a new birth tool every single day


5 Days to a Fearless Birth Experience

Live- March 10-14th


ALL NEW 2025 - Learn a new birth tool every single day

March 10-14th


5 Days to a Fearless Birth Experience- Live

Former FBE mamas 👇🏼

Let's Face It: You've Got Big Worries About Birth

5 Birth-Changing Free Birth Workshops

with Labor Nurse Mama

Class #1

Flip the Fear – How Your Mind & Hormones Shape Your Birth

Feeling anxious about labor?

Learn powerful mindset shifts and hormone hacks to work with your body, not against it.

Ditch the fear, flip the script, and step into calm, confident control of your birth experience.

Class #1

Flip the Fear – How Your Mind & Hormones Shape Your Birth

Feeling anxious about labor?

Learn powerful mindset shifts and hormone hacks to work with your body, not against it.

Ditch the fear, flip the script, and step into calm, confident control of your birth experience.

Class #2

Creating a Birth Plan: Birth on YOUR Terms – What You Can Say No To (and Why It Matters)

Think you have to follow hospital rules?

Think again.

Learn what interventions you can refuse, how to advocate for yourself, and why understanding your choices is the key to having a birth that aligns with YOU.

Class #2

Creating a Birth Plan: Birth on YOUR Terms – What You Can Say No To (and Why It Matters)

Think you have to follow hospital rules?

Think again.

Learn what interventions you can refuse, how to advocate for yourself, and why understanding your choices is the key to having a birth that aligns with YOU.

Class #3

Power Through Pain: Your Contraction Toolkit: Contractions, Coping & Not Losing Control

In our most popular class , we'll talk about labor pain and how to manage it.

Contractions don’t have to feel out of control!

Learn proven coping strategies to handle contractions with confidence, manage pain without panic, and stay in control every step of the way.

Class #3

Power Through Pain: Your Contraction Toolkit: Contractions, Coping & Not Losing Control

In our most popular class , we'll talk about labor pain and how to manage it.

Contractions don’t have to feel out of control!

Learn proven coping strategies to handle contractions with confidence, manage pain without panic, and stay in control every step of the way.

Class #4

Move Like a Boss – Powerful Positioning & Pushing for an Easier Birth

The way you move in labor matters!

Discover two powerful pushing tools and movement techniques that can make labor faster, easier, and less exhausting—even if you have an epidural.

Class #4

Move Like a Boss – Powerful Positioning & Pushing for an Easier Birth

The way you move in labor matters!

Discover two powerful pushing tools and movement techniques that can make labor faster, easier, and less exhausting—even if you have an epidural.

Class #5

Booty, Booby & Baby – Newborn Must-Knows & How to Speak Up

Birth is just the beginning!

Learn the critical decisions you’ll make for your newborn, how to advocate for your baby in the hospital, and what to expect when you bring them home.

From immediate postpartum recovery to feeding choices, we’re covering it all.

Class #5

Booty, Booby & Baby – Newborn Must-Knows & How to Speak Up

Birth is just the beginning!

Learn the critical decisions you’ll make for your newborn, how to advocate for your baby in the hospital, and what to expect when you bring them home.

From immediate postpartum recovery to feeding choices, we’re covering it all.

Hi there, I'm Trish

I've been a high-risk labor and delivery nurse for over 16 years, and I've given birth six times myself (no, that's not a typo!).

I've helped deliver thousands of babies , and my goal for you is to know your incredible capabilities and feel confident in bringing your baby into this world.

Your body was made for this 💪🏼

I'm so excited and freaking honored to be on this journey with you! I have attended thousands of births and have educated over 10k+ mamas online!!!

Remember, if you don't know your options, you don't have any!



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